Kittens: saving Utah’s tiniest and most vulnerable
Providing lifesaving love and care to kittens is as gratifying and fun as it is essential.
Every year during spring and summer, thousands of tiny kittens arrive in overwhelming numbers at our nation’s animal shelters — and they depend on us humans for love and care. With so many lives in the balance, your help is needed to make sure every whiskered wee one can look forward to a bright future.

Start fostering kittens and save lives
Kittens are some of the most at-risk pets in shelters because they need round-the-clock care, which many shelters don't have the resources to provide. But you can help by fostering kittens in your home.

Kitten first-responder program
We are currently looking for kitten first responders to bottle-feed kittens overnight while we secure long-term foster homes. If you’re interested in learning more about our kitten first-responder program, email utahfoster@bestfriends.org.

What to do if you find kittens outdoors
Many animal shelters are unable to provide the necessary around-the-clock care for young kittens.

New to fostering kittens?
Best Friends has everything available online for you to get started fostering kittens in our training videos.