Kitten healing from broken legs helps her new family feel whole

Aslan had been in her foster home for a couple of months when the team at Best Friends in Utah received a note from her foster family that said they thought she was ready for “normal Tasmanian devil kitten life.”
This marked a giant step forward for little Aslan, who came from a shelter in rural Utah to Best Friends with a severely injured leg. In pain and barely able to walk when she first arrived, she couldn’t have moved at warp kitten speed even if she wanted to.
An examination by the Best Friends medical team revealed fractures to her left hind leg. She needed help quickly, and as luck would have it, an opportunity opened up for her the very next day at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. The medical team fitted Aslan’s leg with a tiny cast, and then it was back to Salt Lake City, where foster mom Kelly Beumer was waiting for her.
Finally, Aslan was on the mend. “The veterinary team here in Salt Lake City was very impressed with Aslan’s resilience,” says Eileen Hunsaker, veterinary supervisor for Best Friends in Utah. “We were so glad that the Sanctuary could help with the remainder of her healing process, and that fosters were willing to provide excellent follow-up care.”
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Fostering Aslan, says Kelly, was a “balance of introducing her to family life and socializing, and keeping her physically safe.”
At first, it was smooth sailing, but after a few weeks Kelly noticed Aslan limping again. A visit to the veterinarian revealed that she had yet another fracture ― this time in her right leg. Thankfully, her left leg had healed, so the doctor was able to remove that cast and splint the right. Then, Aslan returned to Kelly’s place to rest and heal.
This time, Kelly was even more watchful, especially because Aslan was getting antsy. All she wanted to do was play. “Try telling a teenage kitten that they can't climb the furniture and jump off the shelves,” says Kelly. (She did her best and Aslan’s leg healed beautifully.)
Kitten thrives after injuries
After Aslan’s leg healed, it didn’t take long for her to capture the attention of Sheena Clements, who had been looking online for a kitten to adopt for her 12-year-old daughter, Evanie. When she read Aslan’s story, Sheena was confident that she and Evanie could give the kitten a comfortable and loving home.
Aslan was a little wobbly on her back legs when Sheena brought her home to surprise her daughter. But she quickly built up her strength. Today, she zips around at warp kitten speed just like she was meant to ― a sure sign that her days healing from broken legs are behind her.
“She is doing great,” says Sheena. “She is very curious and playful and has a great personality. She makes us laugh all the time and has fit into our home as part of the family without hesitation.”
Having Aslan has also taught Evanie a lot about responsibility. She cleans the litter box and is totally in charge of Aslan’s feeding schedule.
Today, the little kitten who overcame broken bones at a young age is helping her family feel whole. “She has changed our lives in the best way. I can't believe how easy it was to fall in love with her,” says Sheena. “We have only had her for a short time, but she has made our family complete.”
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2020: A record-breaking year for Best Friends in Utah
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Photos courtesy of Sheena Clements