By implementing TNVR, community cats continue to live outdoors after they’ve been spayed or neutered and vaccinated for rabies, keeping them out of shelters and freeing up resources for other pets in need of sheltering and care.

Saving homeless pets in Odessa
You know the joy of pet companionship, but some homeless pets in Odessa will never get to experience the comfort of knowing a safe place to call home. You can help change that.
Every day, dogs and cats in Odessa are killed just because they don't have a home. The Odessa area is one of five areas in the state of Texas where the most killing in shelters is happening, where only 37% of pets in shelters made it out alive in 2023.
Of those homeless pets killed in Odessa, cats are among the most at-risk, and in 2023, only 28.7% of them made it out of shelters alive. Cats who prefer to live outdoors (also called community cats) are often brought to shelters by people trying to help them, but they have a lower likelihood of finding an adoptive home because they’re not used to interacting with people.
But together, we can end the needless killing. Best Friends is ready to help local shelters and elected officials with updating policies using proven strategies that help make the community a better place for both pets and people. We can save lives here in Odessa when our communities allow trap-neuter-vaccinate-return (TNVR) programs that prevent community cats from reproducing.
Targeted TNVR is the only humane and effective way to reduce community cat populations and end nuisance behaviors associated with cats reproducing while saving cats' lives. This proven approach ensures that cats in the community won't have more kittens, and that means fewer cats entering shelters.
And you can be a part of that lifesaving. You can help today by using your voice to urge local leaders to help protect pets in the community, as well as by adopting, fostering, and supporting local shelters.

Support change for homeless pets in Odessa
Here at Best Friends, we believe that all dogs and cats deserve to be in a place where they are comfortable and safe — whether that’s in a house or on their favorite neighborhood stoop.

You love your pets more than words can say. (We get it — we do, too!) Luckily for homeless pets everywhere, you can spread that love to save lives.
No-kill: Ending the killing of pets in shelters
For a shelter to be considered “no-kill,” at least 90% of the cats and dogs coming into the shelter must leave the shelter alive. In 2023, Odessa’s save rate was 37.5%.
What you can do to save the lives of pets
You can spay or neuter your pets, foster a homeless pet, volunteer with your local animal shelter or rescue group, or join campaigns to show elected officials how important it is to save more lives in your community.
Helping pets stay with families
From securing pet-friendly housing to purchasing items or supplies for pets in need, you can help pets stay in their homes.
Microchip your pet to keep them safe
A veterinarian or shelter staff member will scan for a microchip when stray pets are brought to them. This safe and effective technology can help get your pet back to you quickly if they’re ever lost.

Happily ever afters
Looking for a little inspiration? Check out these pets and their stories of hope, love, and resilience.
You can help a shelter or animal rescue group near you
Best Friends Network Partners are made up of thousands of public and private animal shelters, rescue groups, spay/neuter organizations, and other animal welfare groups, all working to save the lives of dogs and cats in your community and across the country.
Each and every one of our network partners needs caring people like you to adopt, foster, donate, volunteer, and advocate to help save the lives of pets where you live.
Find an animal shelter or rescue group near you today:
Join a local team of advocates
We make the most change for animals when we work together, which is why we formed the Best Friends 2025 Action Team. Once you sign up for the 2025 Action Team, you'll receive emails with more ways you can help save homeless pets.